Přihlašte se na Crossborder seminář - Hlas klienta

Vyhlašujeme přihlašování na seminář Crossborder 2020 – Voice of a client
Letošní ročník semináře Crossborder proběhne zcela online. I tak je ale počet míst limitovaný. Prosím přihlašujte se do 13. září, po tomto termínu se Vám ozveme s více informacemi.
Letos se mezinárodní seminář Crossborder zaměřuje na téma Hlas klienta a přinese jako každoročně možnost se zúčastnit workshopů poradců a expertů z 11 různých zemí na toto téma. Mimo workshopy uslyšíte ještě další úvodní přednášky a budete se moct propojit s kolegy ze zahraničí.
Program letošního ročníku:
In an increasingly diverse and dynamic world, career guidance practitioners must reflect the complexity of different career and life paths while still keeping clients’ needs at the very core of the career guidance and career development process. Career guidance must differentiate and move from ‘one-size-fits-all’ to more individualised and client-centred approaches. This, for instance, implies provision of tailor-made guidance services to marginal groups such as people with physical handicaps, people with a migrant background or people coming from socially disadvantaged backgrounds and employment of different methods and techniques. The goal is to ensure equal access to quality career guidance services that are based on the analysis of clients’ individual interests and aspirations.
Euroguidance Cross Border Seminars (CBS) were initiated in 2005 by the Euroguidance centres in Austria, Czech Republic and Slovakia. The idea behind these practice-based seminars was to encourage career guidance professionals to share their expertise and good practices in career guidance provision with their fellow colleagues from other countries and create a platform for extensive networking and knowledge exchange. Over the years, the initiative has grown to current 11 participating European countries. Each year, one Euroguidance centre hosts the event and gathers the guidance community around a topic of interest at both national and international level.
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the Cross-Border Seminar 2020 will be held as an online one-day event.
Přihlašování zde. Podmínky výběru účastníků zde.
Seminář je zdarma.