Výzva pro poradce - účast na semináři Cross Border 2023

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Výzva pro poradce - účast na semináři Cross Border 2023
"Working as a guidance consellor in a changing world - (do) we have what it takes?"
Drážďany, Německo - 22-24. květen 2023
Centrum Euroguidance hradí účastníkům ubytování, cestu i stravu.
Pro účast hledáme 5 českých účastníků.
Pokud máte zájem o účast nebo jakýkoliv dotaz k akci napiště do 5. února 2023 na email anna.horejsova@npi.cz.
Global challenges such as the ageing of society, climate change or the digital transformation in the economy and society are increasingly changing the work of career guidance services worldwide.
The coronavirus pandemic has further accelerated this process in recent years. For example, telephone and online counselling are now an integral part of communication with our clients, and online portals and interactive self-information services are being expanded.
Another major challenge is the increasing demand for a skilled workforce and the need to recruit skilled workers from abroad as well as the integration of refugees and migrants into the labour market.
An official dinner and a cultural event will be provided by the host country.